Business Office

The business office provides financial services for the Reed community, including students, faculty, and staff.


Tuition Account Information

Important information for incoming and continuing students:

Instructions for setting up the student's online student account and authorizing access to other users are found on our manage your online student account page

Only students have access to IRIS. Students, when logged into IRIS may click on Student Account Center, under the Student tab.

Students may invite authorized users to set up their own access in student account center.


Important Information Regarding Student Forms

  • Business Office Forms are due for spring semester on: December 14, 2024.
  • Student forms are accessible in IRIS, after the due date, and must be completed every academic year.
  • A list of all College forms is on the deadlines and forms page.

Business Office Forms

Authorizes Reed to release detailed information about your college billing account to your parents, other family members, trustees, or banks.

  • Direct Deposit Form

 Optional, but highly encouraged, for students who will be paid for on-campus jobs, receive financial aid refunds, or reimbursements from the College for business related expenses.

Federal regulations require that students provide a Social Security number or Tax ID so the college can issue a 1098-T tax formSee IRS Publication 970 for more information.

If you do not have a Social Security number or Tax ID, or do not wish to provide it, you must indicate that information on this form.

Outlines the student’s personal responsibility for college charges assessed to their account.

 Optional- All undergraduate students are automatically enrolled and billed for health insurance, unless they complete a waiver to opt out of coverage.

The health insurance waiver portal is also accessible through the PacificSource waiver portal, IRIS login is not required.

 Optional- All undergraduate students are automatically enrolled and billed for tuition insurance unless they complete a waiver to opt out of coverage.

  • Tuition Insurance Refund Plan Waiver Form is required if you want to opt out of tuition insurance, which covers 70 percent of the term’s tuition and fees if you withdraw for medical reasons.
  • Learn more about tuition insurance on our website.
  • Learn more on our Tuition Refund Policy page.

Other Forms (these forms are not in IRIS)

Academic year 2024-25 tuition and fees are posted to the tuition and fees page.

Semester Payment Due Dates

  • Fall 2024: August 16, 2024

  • Spring 2025: January 10, 2025 - billing begins: December 9, 2024

  • Billing Information and guidance can be found on Reed's billing basics page.

  • Please read the spring tuition overview for important information and guidance regarding spring semester 2025.

  • Payment options, including monthly payment plans, can be found on Reed's payment options page.

Faculty & Staff

Disbursements and reimbursements must define the use of institutional funds.


Login to Etrieve with your Reed Credentials and fill out the Disbursement Request Form

You will use the paper clip icon at the bottom of the page to attach the necessary documentation required for approval and payment.

  • For multiple items, inclucing multiple receipts, invoices, maps, etc. please utilize Preview or Adobe for their organizing pages function to combine your PDFs and submit one file with all of your back up.

  • Please do not combine files that contain digitally signed forms or documents (i.e. personal services agreements, W9s, direct deposit forms). Combining these types of forms creates an issue where the signature will disappear and you will need to request the documentation all over again.

Disbursement Requirements

  • Accounting, you will need to consider the budget (ORGN) , the expense type category (ACCT), whether the department uses Activity Codes and who can approve your business related expense.
  • A description must be provided for all expenditures. The description, as entered, is what will appear in the IRIS budget app for the Finance Manager to reconcile.
  • The description should clearly state why the expenditure is necessary and reasonable to support the mission of the college. Descriptions should also describe the: who, what, when, why of the expense.
  • There are very few characters allowed in your descriptions, so please abbreviate to be concise and clear (less than 15 characters is optimal).
  • For example:
    • SNACKS is not a business purpose.
    • SNACKS-ECON 301 CONF is a business purpose.

  •  Proof of payment such as itemized receipts, or request for payment such as invoices. An itemized receipt is a detailed document that lists each item or service purchased, along with the quantity and total amount. It also includes other information, such as the date and time of purchase, taxes paid, and the vendor's information.

Entertainment Disbursements

If your item is entertainment related: food, drinks, outings, restaurants, etc., you must must include:

  • Invoice or itemized receipt with date of purchase and proof of payment
  • Name of attendees or group
  • Brief explanation/description which should clearly state why the expenditure is necessary and reasonable to support the mission of the college.
  • Details regarding place, business purpose, and persons entertained, must be reported in order to satisfy IRS standards.

Non-Entertainment Disbursements

  • If the expenses incurred are not considered entertainment, (i.e. fees and services, travel, honorarium, or invoices charged to the College) these items will require other evidence to satisfy payment. 
  • For more detailed information, please visit our accounts payable page.

How do I Get Approval to Engage an Independent Contractor?

Paying an independent contractor will require prior approval as well specific documentation.

There is more detailed information including requirements, found on the  HR and Risk Management sites. 

Disbursement Guidance for Gifts or Prizes

If you considering purchasing a gift or prize, before you do so, please visit our Gifts and Prizes policy page for more guidance.

Budget Authority and Approval or FDA

The budget you select for requesting payment in the Etrieve disbursement form will route your disbursement, as well as its backup (receipts, invoices, etc.), to a selected approver for authorization. 

Once approved, the disbursement will be sent to the business office for processing. See the next FAQ for the timing of payments.


Disbursement Payouts/Check Run

  • The normal deadline for submitting disbursement requests via Etrieve is 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays for inclusion in that week's Friday check run. Disbursement requests received after 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays will be paid on Friday the following week.

  • Disbursments lacking proper documentation may experience delays in this payment schedule.

  • Per IRS guidelines, receipts for meals and entertainment must include the names of attendees and purpose of the event. Please include this information on all disbursement request receipts.

  • Disbursement requests missing this information should be referred back to the submitter by the person approving the request. If this is missed during the approval process, the business office will refer the request back and the payment could be delayed.


For information regarding the College PCard please visit the PCard website.

Mileage Rate for Reimbursement

Effective 1/1/2025, the IRS standard mileage rate is 70 cents a mile.

All requests for mileage reimbursement will be reimbursed at this rate and require documentation, via Google Maps or another mapping application, of the total miles traveled for business purposes. Include your arithmetic in the purpose of payment field in the disbursement.