Business Office

The business office provides financial services for Reed students, faculty, and staff.

Employee Self-Service (ESS)

Students, faculty, and staff can view timesheets, leave balances, and more through ESS, our employee self-service portal. 

Five students eating a meal outside at a picnic table. Two students in the foreground smile at the camera, while the other three students are engaged in conversation.

Student Account Center

Students and authorized users can access Reed’s online portal, Student Account Center, to view and pay bills, set up payment plans, and more.

Log in to Student Account Center

Student Accounts

The business office oversees student accounts, including tuition, fees, and health insurance.

Tuition & Fees

View the direct and indirect costs for the current academic year.

Billing Basics and Due Dates

Learn about tuition payment services, deadlines, and other notable billing information.

Student Health Insurance

Review PacificSource health insurance details and insurance waiver requirements.

A student stands in the hallway before the Reed College Cashier's window, through which a Reed staff member can be seen on the other side of the window.

Cashier’s Window

TriMet passes, commuter points, disbursement checks, and more—located on the third floor of Eliot Hall.

Cashier Services

Faculty and Staff

The business office oversees payroll, disbursements, department budgets, cashier’s window services, and other accounting needs.


Access our portal, Employee Self-Service (ESS), for information about paychecks, leave balances, direct deposit, and tax forms.

Accounts Payable

Process vendor payments, student-work payments, and employee business expense reimbursements.

Department Budgets

Learn about budget management and recording financial transactions in IRIS.