Rail Yard Sampling Site
The Rail Yard Sampling Site is located at the Reed Warehouses on SE 28th Ave. This site has been operating since September 2013 and consists of an aethalometer (for black carbon), CO2 analyzer, NOx analyzer, ozone analyzer, particle counter, and weather station.
Below are monthly average concentrations for pollutants measured compared to the EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standard
EPA NAAQS (http://www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html)
NO2: 53 ppb (annually)
PM10: 150 ug/m3 (daily)
PM2.5: 12 ug/m3 (annually)
Average monthly concentrations of monitored pollutant:

PM data being reviewed for calibration corrections
* Warehouse apparatuses underwent maintenance. Data from 6/1-6/6
** Data from 6/1-6/17
July '14 - August '14: O3 box down for repairs
September '14: O3 data from 9/9-9/30. NO2 data from 9/1-9/12,9/22-9/30
Snapshot of recent data:
*** Note: On March 1st our old Carbon Dioxide sensor was replaced with the more precise LiCor LI-820.