
Software Released at Reed College

SPRAS. Source code for the Signaling Pathway Reconstruction Analysis Streamliner (SPRAS), a dockerized framework to easily run different pathway reconstruction algorithms.GitHub

Graphery. Source code for the interactive biological network tutorial, with ability to start a local server. See the tutorial website for our hosted version. GitHub

Growing DAGS. Code and datasets to iteratively grow directed acyclic graphs for signaling pathway reconstruction. GitHub

Pathway Reconciliation. Code and datasets that use network topologies (graphlets) to reconcile signaling pathways across pathway databases. GitHub

PRoBERTa. Code and datasets related to our work on protein family classification and interaction prediction tasks using transformer neural networks. GitHub

PRAUG. Code and datasets from PRAUG: the Pathway Reconstruction AUGmenter. GitHub

Pathway Connectivity. Data and source code for (nearly) all figures and experiments from Hypergraph-based connectivity measures for signaling pathway topologies. Also makes use of halp. GitHub

Localized PathLinker (LocPL). LocPL is a compartment-constrained pathway reconstruction method that refines PathLinker paths by protein localization. GitHub

Motility-Related Schizophrenia Gene Predictor. SZ Gene Predictor includes code to identify genes that are functionally associated with a disease (e.g. schizophrenia) and a phenotype (e.g. cell motility). GitHub

Software Released at Virginia Tech

Murali Group Software

PathLinker. Algorithm that computes the k shortest loopless paths in a weighted directed network, originally developed to reconstruct human signaling pathways. GitHub

halp: Hypergraph Algorithms Package. Software that provides both directed and undirected hypergraph implementations and algorithms. GitHub PyPI

GraphSpace: Sharing and Collaborating through Networks on the Web. Interactive network visualization software designed for interdisciplinary collaborations. GitHub View Public Graphs

Software Released at Brown University

Raphael Group Software

MultiBreak-SV. Software for structural variation analysis from next-generation paired end data, third-generation long read data, or data from a combination of sequencing platforms. GitHub

NBC: Neighborhood Breakpoint Conservation. NBC finds recurrent rearrangement breakpoints in DNA copy number data.

Gremlin: Genome Rearrangement Explorer with Multi-Scale, Linked Interactions. Interactive visualization model for the comparative analysis of structural variation in human and cancer genomes.

MoDL: Motif Description Length. MoDL finds mutliple motifs in a set of phosphorylated peptides using an description length, a concept borrowed from information theory.

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Biology Department
Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202-8199

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