Laurens N. RubenWm. R. Kenan Jr. Professor, Emeritus
Univ. of Michigan |
A.B. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1949 | Zoology |
Univ. of Michigan |
M.Sc. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1950 | Zoology |
Columbia University, |
Pre-Doctoral Fellow | NYC, NY | NCI-C-4167 | |
Columbia University, |
Ph.D. | NYC, NY | 1954 | Zoology |
Princeton University | Post-Doctoral Fellow | Princeton, NJ | 1955 | NCI-C-4167C |
A full listing of my professional activities is presented here, including positions held, honors received, national panel service, and professional society posts.
The three areas of inquiry that have engaged my interest may be described as
(1) As a beginning graduate student, my attention had been drawn to observations
that suggested that cancer cells shared some important characteristics with
embryonic cells. If cancer cells were like embryonic cells in some ways, perhaps
they would also be susceptible to some of the controls which normally guide
developing cells. This might be a way of providing direction to investigators
seeking to impose regulatory influences on what appeared to be an unregulated
biological phenomenon, cancer. In the search for a naturally occurring developmental
system on an adult vertebrate, I settled on using the limbs of certain Amphibia,
in particular the salamanders, because of their ability to regenerate structurally
complete and fully functional limbs after amputation. I implanted fragments
from an amphibian kidney cancer and later, cells from a cancer of white blood
cells, into regenerating limbs of both adults and larvae, only to find that
they proved to be refractory to the developmental controls available to normal
cells in their immediate environment. Much of my work at that time involved
finding ways to amplify and extend the developmental processes of the regenerating
limb itself. While I learned some interesting things about the limb regeneration
system itself, the most exciting, consistent finding of my early experiments
was that cancer cells had the capacity to induce the growth and formation of
additional limb structures, e.g. digits and extra internal arm bones, a facility
that comparable normal tissues did not have, unless, interestingly, their cells
were in the process of dying.
(2) The next area of exploration then, grew out of these findings and led to studies which explored the growth-initiating properties of different normal tissues, as well as cancer. My hope was to identify some common attribute(s) of tissues which were particularly successful in stimulating growth. We found that this potential to initiate growth correlated well with the quantity of certain enzymes which are normally found within cells and which are usually involved in intracellular digestion of proteins. The cancerous cells leaked these enzymes into their environment, thereby dissociating neighboring tissue into individual cells which could grow, once they had been freed from their normally confining architecture. Dying normal cells were also able to leak the enzymes which were usually retained by healthy normal cells. In addition to these enzymes freeing cells from their tissue architecture, their growth stimulating capacity might have depended on the local nutritional pool of amino acids and other breakdown products supplied by the activities of these same catabolic enzymes, e.g. acid phosphatase and the cathepsins. This suggested an interesting difference between cancerous and normal cells of the same kind of tissue with respect to their capacity to transport enzymes to their external environment. This difference in the capacity to leak digestive enzymes into their local environment would seem to be of interest in thinking about how cancer cells develop the capacity to invade adjacent normal tissues.
(3) In studies with the white blood cell generated cancer (a lymphosarcoma),
I had noticed that animals which developed this cancer were unable to reject
foreign implants of tissue, which they were normally able to destroy. Since
the cancer appeared to impair an immunologic response, and little was known
then about immune reactivity in these organisms, I decided, to use amphibian
models to answer mainstream immunologic questions, which were not being successfully
addressed by using mammals. In the past, studies on the regulation of immune
responses in the "lower" vertebrates had been largely ignored. Thus,
a good deal of ground work had to be done in order to establish the information
base required before I could ask meaningful causal questions of the system.
One of the frequent questions in cancer biology has been; why is it that our
bodies don`t reject cancer cells as they are produced, since they frequently
are found to be different from normal cells in ways that suggest that they should
be recognized and removed by our immune system. While we normally think of our
immune system as functioning to protect us from invasion by foreign pathogens,
e.g. bacteria, fungi and viruses, one of its principal functions is to maintain
the integrity of "self" by being tolerant or unresponsive to the proteins
or cells which comprise self. Thus, when cells or large molecules that can be
recognized to be non-self invade our bodies, they are normally removed by cytotoxic
thymus-derived (T) cells. Questions that relate to our failure to eliminate
non-self on occasion, are raised about pregnancy in mammals, since the developing
baby is also non-self and should be susceptible to removal by the mother`s immune
system. Two situations that suggest that there may be times when the immune
system is selectively compromised, systemically or locally, relate to the generation
of cancer which may also display non-self epitopes (foreign domains on antigens)
on its cells, and to the development of the fetus. On the basis of our own studies,
we have suggested that cancer susceptibility in mammals may have evolved as
the flip side of processes which led to refined capacities to distinguish self
from "altered-self". Distinction of altered-self is required when
most of the proteins on the cells to be monitored by the immune surveillance
mechanisms are self, but some new cellular or viral gene products may now be
present as a consequence of infection and or cellular transformation. Our plan
of attack was to study the effects of inserting a known foreign epitope, trinitrophenyl-
(TNP-), on self cells and proteins during the period of metamorphosis, when
anuran amphibians (as described below) are in the process of redefining self.
This protocol in Xenopus adults normally leads to a temporary tolerance,
usually around 10 days, to the added foreign molecule, through the generation
of molecule specific thymus-derived suppressor cells. We have explored the role
of molecule-specific suppressor function in the establishment and/or maintenance
of self-tolerance in Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed
toad, as well as its relationship to the induction of cancer formation. We have
found that during the late stages of metamorphosis the animals are most susceptible
to tolerance induction to altered-self antigens. This is the very time when
new adult antigens are being introduced into the metamorphosing larva. Additionally,
we have studied the necessary conditions for breaking unresponsiveness to altered-self,
so that an organism might be caused to destroy its own cancer. Indeed, the introduction
of any combination of cytokines and antigens or lectins that will stimulate
immune reactivity will lead the metamorphosing larvae to self-destruct immunologically.
The same protocols may be effective locally at stimulating a patient with cancer
to destroy his or her own cancer cells when they carry modified-self antigens.
Additionally, we have been studying the effects of cancer promoting reagents,
e.g. the phorbol diesters, to learn their effects on a variety of immune functions.
We wish to see whether the resistance of Xenopus to cancer formation
may lie at the cellular, rather than at the systemic level. By comparison with
the mammal, perhaps one can then see whether the two differ in particular ways,
such that cancer promotors, but not their analogues, will effect their immune
systems differentially.
We have studied these issues for many years, using the dramatic metamorphosis
of the amphibian tadpole into the adult frog or toad. One of the principle justifications
for the use of this model system to deal with these kinds of questions, is that
when the adult cells develop, they turn out to be non-self in the larval body
that they form in. Thus, an immune competent larva should destroy the adult
cells as they are formed.
We have found that several functions of the immune system are severely compromised
during metamorphosis, while other parts, e.g. the antibody- producing cells,
remain normally active. This latter feature is important, because these animals
would be susceptible to infectious disease and potential death during this period,
if it were otherwise. Thus, the larvae make the distinction between internal
(altered-self) and external (non-self) foreigness, becoming tolerant toward
the first and remaining responsive to the second. Since the entire metamorphic
phenomenon is stimulated and guided by changes in hormonal activity levels,
our findings naturally led us into questions about the regulation of immunity
by systemic or local hormones or cytokines.
We found considerable sensitivity of the immune system in metamorphic larvae
(as compared to adults) to corticosteroids, e.g. cortisone, which in doses lower
than physiological levels will, for instance, inhibit metamorphic plant lectin-stimulated
T cell mitogenesis. We also found that corticosteroiods can inhibit the T cell
immune functions which are naturally impaired during metamorphosis. Similarly,
inhibition of corticosteroid synthesis in metamorphic larvae by injection of
metyrapone, restores these previously impaired functions.The glucocorticoids
have long been known to be effective immunomodulators and have been used for
years with humans following the surgical transplantation of organs, e.g. kidney.
Thus, we became concerned with how glucocorticoids affect selective immune inhibition
and have studied the function of other local or systemic hormones with which
they may interact. We learned that a hormone-like secretion of human activated
amplifier-(helper T) immune cells, interleukin 2, which stimulates the immune
response, and is inhibited by corticosteroid in human, is similarly reactive,
when injected into the South African clawed toad. We used human IL-2, and human
IL-1, which stimulates IL-2 production, and found that a corticosteroid will
inhibit immune functions in metamorphosis by inhibiting IL-1 and therefore IL-
2 production. Thus, it seems likely that tolerance of larval cells for adult
immunocytes during metamorphosis, may depend on the production of T cell anergy
by the rising glucocorticoid titer. Anergy is defined as an absence of reactivity
by T cells that do not produce adequate levels of IL-2. Anergy is reversible
following exposure to IL-2. The larval T cells must be anergic during metamorphosis,
because injection of rIL-1 or rIL-2 will restore the impaired T cell functions.
Moreover, IL-1/IL-2 have the capability of stimulating immune self-destruction
when injected during the metamorphic period. They may do this by breaking the
immune inhibition imposed on the system by the glucocorticoid. Exogenous glucocorticoid,
however, does not affect apoptosis, a form of genetically programmed cell death,
in the larval thymus, as it does in the adult Xenopus or mammalian thymus.
Thus, the impairment of T cell function during metamorphosis may not be through
an increase in glucocorticoid-driven apoptosis during T cell development in
the thymus. On the other hand, it is possible that all corticosteroid sensitized
cells have already been induced to die, before the cells are set in culture
to test with exogenous hormone.
The reduced repertoire of antibodies to the potential variety of foreign epitopes
seen during larval development in Xenopus seems likely to be due to a
limited positive selection until the late stages of metamorphosis. That is,
T cells that would otherwise have been peripheralized and reactive to various
epitopes, remain in the thymus to die. It is in late metamorphosis that altered-self
antigen-activated apopotsis (negative clonal deletion) is first observed and
interestingly, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules are
first observed. MHC Class proteins are expressed on all cells of the body and
define self for each individual. In mammals, the presentation of self-immunogenic
peptides depends upon MHC class I molecules. Thus, self-tolerance as a consequence
of apoptosis of T cells with anti-self reactivity in early development, may
depend more upon “ignorance”, that is an incapacity to recognize
self antigens, and a lack of positive selection, then on negative selection.
The high apoptotic rate we have seen in the thymus of early larvae may then
also depend on this lack of positive selection. Cells that are not positively
stimulated by antigen recognition will die by apoptosis.
Early on, we showed that one immune regulatory function, helper function or
amplification, seems not to be impaired, but may actually be enhanced during
metamorphosis. This suggested to us that it may be regulated by a different
mechanism or that helper function is bypassed completely. We found that this
function is indeed bypassed during metamorphosis. This bypass is related to
the common presence of the two genetically disparate populations of immunocytes,
larval and adult. They are capable of responding to each other with a mild mixed
lymphocyte response (MLR) even when drawn from isogeneic strains of Xenopus.
In mammalians, this type of mutual interaction of genetically disparate immune
cell populations is known to lead to the production a cytokine that can activate
antibody-producing cells directly and therefore, it can serve as a substitute
for the presence of the kind of amplifier or helper cell cytokines, e.g. IL-2,
that are normally required for immune reactivity against foreign proteins or
cells. We have been able to demonstrate a cytokine of just such an activity
from spleens from metamorphic, but not adult toads. Moreover, the molecule is
the same size as interleukin (IL)-5, a thymus-independent (B) cell stimulator
in mammals. This cytokine, sometimes called allogeneic effect factor, is able
to bypass the normal adult requirement for helper function, even after thymectomy,
which removes the regulatory (helper) amplifying cells. Thus, it produces a
direct effect on the antibody-producing B cells.
Some years ago, in studies of their receptors on amphibian immunocytes, we established
that reagents that serve to stimulate and block adrenergic receptors on mammalian
cells were also effective in binding amphibian immunocytes and in modulating
immune function. The adrenergic receptors are responsible for the activity of
neurotransmitters and hormones, e.g. norepinephrine and epinephrine. Our data
suggest that norepinephrine, which is normally present in the adult spleen,
is severely reduced or absent in the spleen during metamorphosis. Since our
functional studies with adults have shown that this reagent will stimulate helper
T cells, but inhibit antibody-producing cells, its absence during metamorphosis
would have the effect of impairing helper T cell immune activity and stimulating
antibody-producing B cells. Thus, the absence of norepinephrine would have the
same effect as an excess of corticosteroid. Reductions in prolactin concentration
in the plasma, observed by Kikuyama in Japan, may also serve to remove a potential
stimulator of immune function from the picture. PRL is now known to serve as
a second messenger in IL-2 production. Similarly, the high eosinophilia observed
by Per Rosenkilde of Denmark, may be a reflection of diminished parasitic/allergic
reactivity and/or increased IL-5 production (eosinophil differentiating factor)
in metamorphosing Xenopus.
We have established a certain degree of evolutionary conservation of IL-2 and
its receptor and of IL-10. In vivo studies of IL-10 reactivity in Xenopus
are planned. Earlier tests have shown that some product secreted by thymic cells
of Xenopus will inhibit certain immune reactivities. Having established
the evolutionary conservation of the cellular mechanisms involved in vertebrate
immune regulatory events, we began to expose a potentially awesome network of
interactions which functionally relate the molecular aspects of the three homeostatic
mechanisms of the body, hormones, nerve secretions and the cellular products
of the immune system.
However, our current focus has been on the in vitro and in vivo regulation of
programmed cell death, because its regulation should have something to say about
cancer susceptibility. That is, if cells die at appropriate times under normal
conditions within the body, then it is unlikely that they will be in a position
to become cancerous by losing their capacity to die. Programmed cell death is
a normal developmental and immunological phenomenon. As noted earlier, it can
be a mechanism for eliminating those immune cells with specificity to self,
while T cells are developing within the thymus and B cells are developing within
the spleen. Self-tolerance is the result.
We have recently found that at least two molecules used in the apoptotic process
in mammalian cells are present in/on Xenopus cells. A Fas-like pro-apoptotic
molecule is responsible for some induced apoptosis of Xenopus lymphocytes,
although some apoptogens do not operate through the Fas pathway to caspase cascade
stimulation, but instead use mitochondrial release cytochrome c to activate
the caspace cascade. Receptor-induced apoptosis affects caspace 8, while mitochondrial
stress reactions leading to apoptosis affect caspace 9. Phosphatidylserine (PS)
is expressed on the outer surface membrane of apoptotic cells. It is recognized
and bound by phagocytes which engulf the dying cells and prevent an ensuing
inflammatory reaction to their contents by internalizing them. Since finding
Fas and PS in Xenopus represented the first demonstrations of them in
a vertebrate other than a mammal, they opened up the potential that they may
reflect universal apoptotic mechanisms within the vertebrates.
Perhaps our most interesting finding recently has been, that in Xenopus
cells, apoptosis can precede DNA uptake of BUDR by hours in responses to a phorbol
diester mitogen/apoptogen. Thus, it may be that, unlike the situation in mammalian
cells, Xenopus cells may be able to enter apoptotic pathways without
previously entering into the cell cycle. We now know, by using dual staining
techniques for both apoptosis and PCNA found in dividing cells, that the cells
stimulated by phorbol diesters to die are a different population than those
stimulated to divide, i.e. dual staining cells are not produced in response
to exposure to PMA. Thus, th Xenopus do not enter the cell cycle before
dying. This could be a basis for spontaneous and induced cancer resistance in
Amphibia, since cells which so easily enter apoptosis are unlikely to be transformed
into cancer.
Given the potential that the regulation of apoptosis may be responsible for
cancer resistance, we have turned to different aspects of apoptotic regulation
to determine which differences from mammals might be responsible for the “direct”
apoptosis seen in Xenopus, but not in mammals. Three features studied
in 1999-2000 were 1. the potential that a permeability transition pore might
be responsible for regulating mitochondrial release in glucocorticoid-induced
apoptosis. Inhibition of such a mitochondrial pore inhibited apoptosis, while
activation lead to apoptosis. While this was the first such demonstration in
a non-mammal, the functions under study did not suggest a difference in the
regulation of apoptosis, 2. The effect of IL-1/IL-2 in glucocorticoid-induction
of apoptosis. Studies with mammalian thymocytes had shown that when cells are
co-exposed to corticosteroid and IL-2, there was a decrease in the apoptotic
level from that stimulated by the glucocorticoid alone. In Xenopus, when
this was done, IL-2 did not by itself induce apoptosis, but it increased the
number of cells in late stage apoptosis, suggesting that in Xenopus,
that despite not initiating apoptosis by itself, IL-2 may act to drive cells
more rapidly through the death process. The fact that this is an opposite result
of that found with mammalian thymocytes may be a reflection of the greater requirement
for mammalian cells to enter the cell cycle before dying, than has been observed
with Xenopus. IL-2 is the cytokine required for T cell growth. This work
needs to be repeated with larger numbers and additional study of the regulation
involved. Finally, because phorbol diesters bind directly with protein kinase
C, we began to study which of the PKC isoforms may be, on the one hand responsible
for regulating cell division, and on the other, for regulating apoptosis, since
the phenomena are at least partially separable in Xenopus, but not in
mammals. We found the d isoform of PKC appeared to be particularly involved
in the initiation of apoptosis, as well as, cell division. Inhibition of all
isoforms with GF quickly (within three hours) blocked the capacity of PMA to
stimulate both apoptosis and cell growth, while inhibition of only the Ca++-dependent
isoforms with GO, failed to change control levels. Inhibition of the Ca++-independent
isoforms, e.g. d, with cycloheximide or rottlerin, reduced both apoptosis and
growth activated by PMA, but not as rapidly as when GF had been tested. Western
assay data showed that a protein band from extracts of Xenopus cells
did bind an antibody against the murine d isoform. Moreover, the band was absent
when PMA-activation was affected. The band was visible, however, after PKC inhibition.
Thus, it seems clear that the PKC isoform is not the crucial molecule for a
stimulated cell deciding wther to die or divide, as the isoform modulated apoptosis
and division in the SAME direction. Some step further down the pathway would
seem to be responsible for that decision. Other questions remaining relate to
the function of mitochondrial release of cytochrome c with regard to PMA-activation
and inhibition, the role of Ca++ ions in this phenomenon and the proof that
phosphorylation did occur when PKC was PMA-activated and was lost, when inhibited.
Additionally, we have begun a study of the function of the Xenopus equivalent
of p53, a factor responsible for allowing cells arrested in cycle to continue
or die following disruption in their DNA by bleomycin or UV. Associated with
this, is the question of what role DNA repair rates might may play in the resistance
of Xenopus laevis to cancer-inducing factors. X. tropicalis is
a species of Xenopus that is diploid. A comparison of repair mechanisms
following bleomycin treatment showed that X. leavis was less sensitive to DNA
damage and had a faster repair time than did comparable cells of X. tropicalis.Xp53
was found in both species but appeared not to be upregulated in response to
UV DNA damage. Two different bands were found with X. laevis at 46 and
35 kDa but only one at 35 kDa was found with X. tropicalis.No fucntional assays
have yet been made with X. tropicalis.
A summary of selected research contributions from my laboratory can be found here.
Reed Senior thesis students appear in Bold.
OOI, E.E., SOVAK, M. and BALLS, M. Neuroendocrine regulation of immunity:
the effect of noradrenaline in Xenopus laevis. Internat'l J. Neurosci.62:123-
140 (1992).
R.H. AND BALLS, M. Impaired T cell functions during amphibian metamorphosis:
IL-2 receptor expression and endogenous ligand production. Mechanisms of Development
37:167-172 (1992).
SHIIGI, S.A comparison of the effects of human rIL-2 and autologous TCGF on
Xenopus laevis splenocytes. Cell. Immunol.157: 300-305 (1994).
AND SHIIGI, S. Apoptosis in the thymus of adult Xenopus laevis.
Dev. Comp. Immunol.18: 231-238 (1994).
R.H. AND SHIIGI, S. Apoptosis in the thymus of developing Xenopus laevis.
Dev. Comp. Immunol. 18:343-352 (1994).
CLOTHIER, R.H. The development of peripheral TNP-tolerance and suppressor function
in Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad. Dev. Comp. Immunol.19:405-415
L.N. The kinetics and distribution of T and B cell mitogen-stimulated apoptosis
in vivo. Immunol. Letters 47:227-231 (1995).
93. RUBEN, L.N., CLOTHIER, R.H. and BALLS, M. Is the evolutionary increase in
epitope-specific tolerance within the vertebrates related to cancer susceptibility
? Herpetopathol.2:99-104 (1995).
94. RUBEN, L.N., DE LEON R.T., JOHNSON, R.O. AND CLOTHIER, R.H. Interleukin-2-induced
mortality during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis. Immunol. Letts
51:157-161 (1996).
95. GRANT, P., CLOTHIER, R.H., JOHNSON, R.O. AND RUBEN, L.N. In situ lymphocyte
apoptosis in larval Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad.
Dev. Comp. Immunol.22:449-455 (1998).
S. Adrenoceptor modulation of apoptosis in splenocytes of Xenopus laevis
in vitro. (NeuroImmunoModulation 6: 175-181 (1999).
R.H AND RUBEN, L.N. Expression of a Fas-like apoptotic molecule on larval and
adult cells of Xenopus laevis. Immunol. Letts.64:31-38.
and the cell cycle in amphibian splenic lymphocytes I. PHA and PMA exposure.
Immunol. Letters 70:179-183 (1999).
R.H. Phosphatidylserine expression on apoptotic lymphocytes of Xenopus
laevis, the South African toad, as a signal for macrophage recognition
Dev. Comp. Immunol. 24:641-652 (2000).
and the cell cycle in Xenopus laevis: PMA and OMPMA exposure of
thymocytes and splenocytes Apoptosis 5:225-234 (2000).
Maintained by the Reed College Biology Department
Last Modified 8/19/02
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