David Dalton
Professor of Biology
Reed College
Portland, OR 97202
Office: Biology room B242
Phone: 503-517-7473
Email: david.dalton@reed.edu
1986 Ph.D. Oregon State University (Botany and Plant Pathology)
1976 M.S. Oregon State University (Botany and Plant Pathology)
1973 B.S. Duke University (Botany)
I have been at Reed College since 1987. My teaching responsibilities include Plant Physiology (Biol 322), Introductory Biology (Biol 101-102) and various seminar courses (Biol 431) such as Forest Canopy Biology, Climate Change Biology, and Plant Biotechnology. I usually supervise about 4 senior theses each year on a variety of topics in plant sciences. Some typical examples include:
- Elana Peach-Fine (2009) The Role of Soybean Biotin Production on Poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate Degradation and Rhizobial Root Nodules
- Hyeon Jeong Kim (2009) Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate in Euphorbia pulcherrima
- Shreya Shrestha (2010) Studying the Efficacy of a Novel Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Expression System
- Natalie Caulkins (2010) Inducibility of a GUS Reporter Gene in Populus
- Amy (Lisa) Schomaker (2011) Ozone-related Antioxidants in Douglas-fir
- Lauren Carley (2012) Enhancing Stress Tolerance: Ascorbate Peroxidase Overexpression in Poplar
- Daniel Lybrand (2013) Localization of Antioxidant Enzymes in Nitrogen-fixing Roots of Cycads
- Ian McCahill (2013) Stress Tolerances in Transgenic Poplar With Enhanced Vitamin C Content
- Phoebe Young (2014) Enhanced Drought Tolerance in vtc2-transgenic Poplar
- Miranda Lyons-Cohen (2014) Examination of Stress Tolerance and Nitrogen Fixation in Medicago truncatula
- Jacob Robertson (2015) Effects of Invasive Ivy (Hedera helix) on Soil Microflora
- Alejandro Anasal (2015) Climate Change and the Forests of the Pacific Northwest
- Adriana Escobedo-Land (2015) Biofertilizer Potential of Oregon Cyanobacterial Strains
My thesis students have gone on to various graduate schools such as : Cornell, OR State Univ, Stanford, Univ. of GA, Univ. of AZ, UC-Davis, Univ. of UT, Univ. of NC-Chapel Hill, Univ. of NE-Lincoln, and Univ. of WA.