To attend chiefly to the desk or schoolhouse while we neglect the scenery in which it is placed is absurd.
H.D. Thoreau
Bio 431 Global Change Ecology (Fall 2017-19, 2021-22)
Overview: This seminar is centered on addressing the question: In light of ongoing environmental change, how are the Earth’s ecological systems likely to respond? We will discuss and present primary literature related to both advanced basic and applied concepts in ecology to 1) explore the theories and tools ecologists possess for understanding the ecological response to environmental change and 2) identify the major sources of uncertainly surrounding such issues.
BIO 301 Ecology (Spring 2018-20, 2022-23)
Overview: This course examines fundamental concepts in ecology such as limits to distribution, behavior ecology, population ecology, species interactions, community ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Central objectives of this course are to 1) evaluate the evidence that supports major theories in ecology, and 2) to actively participate in the process by which theories are tested, falsified, and refined. Weekly laboratories will help facilitate the later objective. Lectures and laboratories will emphasize how ecologists gain inference from experiments, observations, and ecological models.
BIO 101 Topics in Biology: Introduction to Ecology and Evolution module (Fall 2018-22)
Overview: Bio 101 is a full course for one semester each, taught by several staff members. The course furnishes an understanding of biological principles and the properties of life. Among topics considered across all modules are structure and function of plants and animals, relations of organisms to each other and to their environment, energy relations of organisms, integrative and coordinating mechanisms of organisms, cell biology principles, genetics, molecular biology, reproduction, development and growth, and the evidence for evolution. The laboratory deals with the descriptive and experimental aspects of the topics covered in the lectures. Lecture-laboratory.