Flower Identification: Slide Show
(Bio 332: Vascular Plant Diversity)


click on a family name to see a list of available images for that family
CRUCIFERAE the mustard family
RANUNCULACEAE the buttercup family
BERBERIDACEAE the barberry family
BETULACEAE the birch family
PAPAVERACEAE the poppy family
FUMARIACEAE the fumitory family
CARYOPHYLLACEAE the carnation family
PORTULACACEAE the purslane family
MALVACEAE the mallow family
VIOLACEAE the violet family
SALICACEAE the willow family
ERICACEAE the heath family
PRIMULACEAE the primrose family
ROSACEAE the rose family
SAXIFRAGACEAE the saxifrage family
LEGUMINOSAE the pea family
ONAGRACEAE the evening primrose family
OXALIDACEAE the wood sorrel family
UMBELLIFERAE the parsley family
POLEMONIACEAE the phlox family
HYDROPHYLLACEAE the waterleaf family
BORAGINACEAE the borage family
LABIATAE the mint family
SCROPHULARIACEAE the snapdragon family
COMPOSITAE the sunflower family
ARACEAE the aroid family
LILIACEAE the lily family
IRIDACEAE the iris family
ORCHIDACEAE the orchid family

(Images on these pages are not to be used for commercial purposes without
the written consent of Keith Karoly - kkaroly@reed.edu)

These same images are organized into a Flowering Plant Family Quiz where
you will be shown an image and asked to idenitfy the correct plant family.

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send e-mail to kkaroly@reed.edu

(Last Modified 8/10/98)