Family: Primulaceae
Common name: primrose family [absent from Zomlefer]
Diversity: Worldwide: 28 genera; ~1,000 species
U.S.: 11 genera
PNW (Hitchcock & Cronquist): 9 genera
Flower -- Vegetative Features -- Economic Importance -- Flower Images-- Web Sites

K(5) Co(5) S5 P (5)
Sexuality: bisexual
Symmetry: actinomorphic
Inflorescence: usually in scapes (leafless inflor.) as a solitary flower, raceme, or umbel
Calyx (sepals): 5, fused into tube
Corolla (petals): 5, usually fused, with lobes sometimes reflexed
Androecium: 5, opposite the petals (=antipetalous)
Gynoecium: 5 united carpels, superior ovary (=hypogynous) to half-inferior ovary, single style, free-central placentation
Fruit: capsule
Other features: some species are heterostylous (pin and thrum morphs)
flowers are subtended by bracts

Vegetative Features
Leaves: usu. opposite, basal or whorled, simple,
exstipulate, sometimes with glandular hairs on leaves and stem
Life-history: annual to perennial
Habit: herbs, rarely shrubs
Distribution & Ecology: cosmopolitan, mostly temperate regions of N hemisphere
Some Northwest Genera: Dodecatheon, shooting star
Lysimachia, loosestrife
Trientalis, star flower

Economic Importance
Ornamentals: Primula, primrose
Cyclamen, cyclamen
Weedy and pest species:

Examples Primulaceae Dodecatheon
Primulaceae Primula
Primulaceae Primula
click on the genus name for a flower image

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