Summary of Topics (subject to change; see Moodle or the syllabus for details)
- Module 1: Introduction to Networks and the NMII Project
- Week 1: Intro to Graphs and Biology Concepts | NMII Lab (Joint w/ Bio372)
- Week 2: Local and Global Graph Properties | Animal Social Network Visualization
Module 2: Virtually Attending ACM-BCB '20
- Week 3: Network Centralities and Conference Prep | Protein Interactomes
- Week 4: ACM-BCB Conference
Module 3: Graph Algorithms and Applications
- Week 5: Ecology Networks and Shortest Paths
- Week 6: COVID-19 Networks and Random Walks
- Week 7: Brain Networks and Community Detection
Module 4: NMII Project Recap
- Week 8: NMII Project
- Week 9: NMII Presentation (Joint w/ Bio372)
Module 5: Research Project and Special Topics
- Week 10: TBD & Mini-Break
- Week 11: TBD
- Week 12: TBD
Thanksgiving Break
- Week 13: Research Presentation (Joint w/ Bio372)
- Code and Paper Review during the Final Exam Period