2022 Fellowships and Awards Results
Congratulations to Reed student and alumni recipients of national award competitions!
Reed would like to congratulate Stevie Hoesel '22, who has won a prestigious Thomas J. Watson Fellowship. Stevie's project, "Interventions in Youth Incarceration," will take Stevie to New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, and Norway to explore how communities around the world navigate their carceral systems and help imprisoned youth populations. Read a bit more about Stevie's plans on the Watson website.
Reed congratulates Fulbright awardee Maxwell Teaford '22, who was offered a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant award in Colombia.
Reed College also celebrates Anoushka Goenka '23 and Eashan Thatte '23, who have been awarded a 2022 Projects for Peace for their application as a team. Their summer project, "The 'Poshan' Project" will take them to Dharavi in Mumbai, India, to try to make nutritious eating more accessible for the people living there.
We're excited that our 2020 deferred Project for Peace awardee, Shea Seery '20, is getting the chance to complete her project, "Access Arts Studio," this summer. Shea's project will provide arts workshops for people experiencing homelessness in the downtown Los Angeles area known as Skid Row.
Reed alumni and students were successful as Fellows and Honorable Mentions in the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) this year. Well done all! The fellows are Canyon Foot '20, Charis Roberts '19, and Eliotte Garling '18. Honorable mentions go to Amy Platenkamp '16, Brianna Dobson '19, Gabriel Preising '20, Hannah McConnell '18, Kees Benkendorfer '21, Lucas Williams '20, and Matthew Hwang '21.