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Cellular and Chromosome Painting, Musrara Mix Festival, Nassir School of Art Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel 2016, Jerusalem, Israel, 2016

Geraldine Ondrizek , Michal Rovner and Maja Smrekar
May 24- July 24, 2016

Curated by
Avi Sabag, Chief Curator
Sharon Horodi, Exhibition Curator

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Works in Exhibition

Chromosome Paintings Edition II, 2014

Dye sublimation printed sheer silk,

108” x 32’

Original image: Chromosome Painting, Figure 5

Jarllon, Aury, Petit, Thorman.  Copyright Clearance,NatureClearance, Nature Publishing,. 2011


Cellular, 2009

12 min.
Digital Film made with Atonics Micro fire digital cameras mounted on Olympus stereomicroscopes
Sound made with AMF, atomic force microscope

Curators Statement

TRANSLOCATION- What happens when artists go into the lab and start working with living materials such as bacteria, tumors, or bodily simulations? What happens when artists experiment in their home environs, using their own bodies or materials and research methods drawn from the natural sciences?

Continuing the theme of Musrara Mix 15, where we developed the idea "art-sistence" as a place where existence and artistic practices meet, this year's festival will focus on the concept of "translocation", offering a glimpse into the world of bio-art. The term translocation comes from the world of genetics, describing a phenomenon in which an entire gene segment is switched between two different chromosomes. Translocation is a kind of genetic mutation that is relatively common in humans and is not usually considered dangerous.

The festival presents works related directly to biological phenomenon, the result of collaborations with scientists, which were created in the laboratory and adopted scientific research methods. In addition, the festival will include works that expand upon the concept of translocation, transferrin g biological ideas to non-scientific spaces. These include actions in public spaces, displacement, events and identities, phenomena of migration and creating realities, as well as an examination of the interaction between humans and other organisms.

Focusing on various aesthetic and conceptual aspects of these worlds, many of the works relate to the ethical implications of research and the use of research subjects – both animal and human.

This year's festival will present some forty local and international artists alongside students from the Musrara Art School. In keeping with our world view, much space and emphasis is given to works based on the active involvement of the public and on various levels of live interactio n, sometimes combined with digital means.

Many of the artists will be present at the festival, providing several opportunities for open channels of communication such as discussions, lectures and workshops open to the public.

Avi Sabag
Chief Curator
Sharon Horodi
Exhibition Curator


THE MUSRARAMIX FESTIVAL is an international multidisciplinary event that takes place in the borderline neighborhood of Musrara, initiated and produced by the Naggar School of Art, Musrara. The festival is a hub of artistic and social happenings, embodying the political and cultural essence of Jerusalem and Israel. Every year the festival is based around one theme. The 16th year of the festival is the year of Translocation-Bio-Art.

The festival expresses the school’s outlook. We believe in the significant role the creative process when it turns our gaze onto society and the identities that structure it. We believe in the power the festival has, as part of the educational process of the students.     

The Naggar School of Art, Musrara, invites the public to participate in the events taking place during the festival, to experience the neighborhood, explore its streets, be a guest in the backyards, meet the residents and enjoy some of the best multidisciplinary art made in Israel and the world today.

We would like to thank our partners: firstly, the residents of Musrara, the public funds and organizations from Israel and abroad that sponsor our activity, and of course our students, teachers, and school staff.