Professor Charlene Makley
Office: Vollum 312
Phone: 771-1112, ext. 7461
Office Hours: Tues 4-5:30; Fri 9-10:30
Email Charlene Makley
For more on these topics and debates, consult these sources:
  • Bales, K. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. UC Press, 2000.
  • Sassen, ed. Global Networks, Linked Cities, Routledge, 2002.
  • Schneider and Susser, eds. 2003. Wounded Cities.
  • Harvey, David. 2003. Paris, Capital of Modernity. Routledge
  • Harvey, David. 2001. Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography. Routledge.

Opening up as Urban Industrialization

  • IMF report. China's Growth and Integration 2004 [collection of papers from IMF economists, neolib view of 'flexible labour markets" and hukou reform]. (see me)
  • O'Donnell, Mary. 1999. "Path Breaking: Constructing Gendered Nationalism in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone," positions: east asia cultures critique 7.2: 343-375. [good overview of estab. of the SEZ concept]
  • Lin, Yi-Min. 2001. Between Politics and Markets: Firms, Competition and Institutional Change in Post-Mao China. (see me)
  • Krug, Barbara, ed. China's Rational Entrepreneurs: The Development of the New Private business Sector. Routledge, 2004. (see me).
  • Chinese Urban Life under Reform: The Changing Social Contract. By WENFANG TANG and WILLIAM L. PARISH. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. [sociologist and poli sci]
  • Chen, Nancy et al. China Urban: Ethnographies of Contemporary Culture. Duke, 2001.
  • Scharping, Thomas and Kam Wing Chan. "Urbanization in China since 1949," China Quarterly 109, March 1987.
  • Chung, Jae Ho and Tao-Chiu Lam. "China's 'City System' in Flux: Explaining Post-Mao Administrative Changes," China Quarterly 2004. [frame urbanization as 'progress' skewed by admin.]
  • Chen, Aimin. "Urbanization in China and the Case of Fujian Province," Modern China 32.1, Jan. 2006: 99-130.
  • Suzanne Pepper - China's Special Economic Zones: The Current Rescue Bid for a Faltering Experiment [20:3] ] Critical asian studies
  • Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space. Ma and Wu, eds., Routledge, 2005. (see me)


Urban Industry, Discipline and Resistance

  • Sassen, Saskia. Ch. 5 "Toward a Feminist Analytics of the Global Economy," in Globalization and its Discontents. New York: The New Press, 1998. [talks of valorization/devalorization of types of workers]
  • ----------------. Ch. 6 "Notes on the Incorporation of Third World Women into Wage Labor through Immigration and Offshore Production," in Globalization and its Discontents. New York: The New Press, 1998.
  • Hart-Landsberg, Martin; Burkett, Paul. 2004. China & Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle. Monthly Review 56(3). (see me).
  • Lisa Hoffman, "guiding college graduates to work: Social constructions of Labor Markets in Dalian," China Urban [Dalian is a NE SEZ]
  • The Economist, Corporate Social Responsibility survey, 2005.
  • Gereffi, Gary et al. (sociology, environ. policy) "the NGO-Industrial Complex," Foreign Policy 125, 2001: 56-65. [talks of new global activism's pressure on MNCs, use of certification as problematic; industries using own certification to preempt laws]
  • Rofel, Lisa. 1999. Other Modernities: Gendered Yearnings in China after Socialism. Berkeley: University of California.
  • Chan, Anita. (2001). China's workers under assault : the exploitation of labor in a globalizing economy (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe). [wife of Jonathan Unger, cases mostly east, except one in Sichuan; organized by chs. on types of violations of "rights", translates news articles from Chinese]
  • Lee, Ching Kwan (sociology), Gender and the South China Miracle: 2 worlds of factory women. California, 1998 (Reed lib has)
  • Lee, Ching Kwan. 2002. From the specter of Mao to the spirit of the law: Labor insurgency in China. Theory and Society 31, pp. 189-228.
  • Blecher, Marc. 2002. Hegemony and Workers' Politics in China. China Quarterly 170. [focus on workers' acceptance of core values of market and state; interviews 95-99 Tianjin; looks at rise in workers' protests 90s; addresses Gramsci hegemony]
  • Chan, Kam Wing and Li Zhang. "the Hukou system and rural-Urban migration in China: Processes and Changes," The China Quarterly 160, Dec. 1999.
  • Li Zhang. Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power and Social networks within China's Floating Population. Stanford, 2001.
  • Solinger, Dorothy. Contesting Citizenship in Urban China. California, California, 1999.
  • Iredale, Robyn, Naran Bilik and Fei Guo. China's Minorities on the Move. ME Sharpe, 2003.
  • Gaetano and Jacka, eds. On the Move: Women in Rural-to-Urban Migration in Contemporary China. Columbia, 2004
  • Fitzpatrick, Stephen. Work and Mobility: Recent Labour Migration Issues in China. (see me, collection of essays by Chinese social scientists from CASS]
  • Woon, Yuen-Fong. "Labor Migration in the 1990s: Homeward Orientation of Migrants in the Peral River Delta Region and its Implications for Interior China," Modern China 25.4 Oct. 1999: 475-512.
  • Solinger, Dorothy. "Human Rights Issues in China's Internal Migration: Insights from Comparisons with Germany and Japan," in The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, Cambridge 1999.


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