
These are some good general resources for the anthropology of sex, gender and sexuality.

Remember as you delve into this vast world of information that materials on the web MUST be evaluated as critically as any other texts we consider in this course. For brief guidelines on thinking critically about the web, click HERE.


Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
Comprehensive and elegant site providing readable entries on a variety of topics, theorists, and concepts.

Philosophy Pages
Garth Kemerling's comprehensive reference site on western philosophical traditions.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Comprehensive site with entries on key figures.

Anthrobase Dictionary
Norwegian anthropologist Finn Sivert Neilson's searchable anthropology "dictionary". Can search by theorist, terms, movements, etc. Spotty in places, but helpful in others.
Comprehensive internet archive of marxist materials, biographies of theorists, full-text online and more.

Oxford Bibliographies
Entries on 'gender', 'sexuality,' 'the body'.

Professional Organizations

American Anthropological Association
Home page of the American Anthropological Association. Find out what's happening in American anthropology. Brief history of the field, Section news, updates on policy debates, great links for anthropology resources on-line

Association for Feminist Anthropology

Assocation for Queer Anthropology

Association for Black Anthropologists

Association of Indigenous Anthropologists

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