New Reedie FAQ


How do I learn about Orientation?

In-person Orientation runs August 26–September 1, 2024. Prior to in-person Orientation, you will receive links to an online Orientation portal that includes important information about academic requirements, registration, student support services, and campus life.

Is Orientation mandatory?

Yes, all students are required to complete Orientation.

When do I sign up for classes? When do classes start?

You’ll meet with your adviser and sign up for classes in August 2024. More information will be sent to you about the advising process at the beginning of the summer. Classes begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

What are supplemental Orientation programs?

Each year, Reed offers several unique supplemental outdoor Orientation programs that allow you to engage with your classmates beyond Orientation week. These programs bring small groups of students to a variety of areas around Portland, and to the rivers, oceans, and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. These trips will take place August 31–September 2, 2024, and are designed for a range of experience levels.


When do I sign up for housing?

The Housing Portal opens in early May. You’ll learn more about the different housing options before that date.

Am I guaranteed to get on-campus housing?

Yes. All incoming first-year students are guaranteed housing and are required to live on campus for their first two years.


Do I have to read Invisible Man before coming to campus?

Nope! It is a Reed tradition to gift the incoming class a book that has a history of being taught at Reed.


How can I connect with other Reedies?

We will send you an email invite to our Class of ’28 Discord shortly after you have been admitted. Discord is a great way for you to build community with fellow members of the incoming class before you arrive on campus in August. For questions about Discord, or to receive a fresh invite to the server, please contact Zoë Ballering, Senior Assistant Dean of Admission Communications.

You can also connect with current students and ask your questions about Reed by emailing

Where do I find out more about diversity and inclusion on campus?

Reed College is a community dedicated to serious and open intellectual inquiry, one in which students, faculty, and staff can fully participate, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, or disabilities. Read more at

What’s the Honor Principle?

The Honor Principle is Reed’s guiding ethos. It requires every member of our community to think critically about how their behavior affects those around them. The Honor Principle creates a spirit of shared trust and responsibility and compels us all to act with good intention and strive to improve our community. Learn more at

More Questions?

Contact your admission counselor anytime between now and Orientation. You can find your counselor at