Young Scholars

Challenge Yourself with a Course at Reed

Throughout its history, Reed College has been dedicated to providing a challenging education for academically gifted and motivated students. The Young Scholars program, developed in 1980, extends this opportunity to selected high-school students who are ready for part-time, rigorous college study.

This highly selective scholarship program allows seniors to take one college class at Reed for the full academic year while concurrently enrolled in high school. It is open to students from the metropolitan area who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and a commitment to serious study in a particular field of interest.

Who Qualifies?

Students must be recommended to the college by their high schools and must successfully complete the admission process described below. The following qualifications are required:

  • An applicant must be a high-school senior. (If spaces are available after all qualified seniors have been accommodated, junior applicants occasionally may be accepted to the program.)
  • An applicant must have exhausted high-school curricula options in the subject they wish to take at Reed, or have demonstrated a serious and sustained interest in a subject not offered at the high school.
  • An applicant should present excellent academic and personal records.
  • An applicant must be enrolled at least half time concurrently in high school.
  • If accepted, matriculants must commit to taking a class for the full academic year.

Course Options

If accepted, the Young Scholar will meet with a faculty adviser or the associate dean of graduate and special programs regarding course selection and placement. Most typically, students enroll in first- and second-year classes in mathematics, the sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics), foreign languages (Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish, plus Latin and ancient Greek), the arts (theatre, music, dance, and art) and the social sciences (economics, history and political science). Occasionally students also may be able to take classes in philosophy, psychology, or religion although space is very limited in those areas. It is important to understand that Reed gives priority in enrollment to the undergraduate degree students, and therefore space limitations may restrict Young Scholar access to certain classes. At times, a Young Scholar is permitted to enroll in a Reed course, but the student's high school schedule may conflict with the course schedule.

Young Scholars may take only one course per semester, for which Reed College credit will be granted. Continued participation in the program for the second semester, is contingent upon satisfactory completion of the first course, the recommendation of the professor, and the student's continued good academic standing in high school.

The courses taken by Young Scholars are regular Reed College classes, taught by members of the Reed faculty for undergraduate degree students. The Reed catalog provides a description of all college courses. Most Reed classes are offered as small seminars that involve a good deal of interaction, as well as extensive reading, writing, and preparation. Introductory science classes involve large lectures, but small labs and conferences. The courses at Reed are significantly more challenging and time-consuming than high-school classes. As such, Young Scholars are advised to plan their senior year curriculum and extracurricular activities accordingly.

Young Scholars may only enroll in an approved course in the discipline for which they are admitted. Swapping disciplines is not permitted. 

Please note: The Reed courses may not be used to meet high-school graduation requirements. We therefore recommend that they not be listed on the student's high-school transcript.

What Does it Cost?

The Young Scholars program was initially funded through the generous contributions of Jean and Howard Vollum and the Charles A. Frueauff Foundation; all current funding is through Reed. The individual student is expected to contribute $100 per semester. (Some school districts may cover part or all of the student contribution. Students should consult with their school counselors about their district's policy.) Students also are responsible for the purchase of books and class materials, and for arranging transportation to and from Reed.

For Further Information:

Further information on the program is available from the director of special programs: We also encourage potential applicants to visit the campus; weekday campus tours may be arranged by sending an email request to the admission office. Be sure to identify yourself as a Young Scholar prospect.