Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

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Three graduates dressed in robes and academic caps stand next to each other in front of a brick wall. They are holding their Reed College diplomas.

What You’ll Study in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Pursue an enriching intellectual experience in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) graduate program at Reed College. Engage with great works and ideas, and expand your knowledge and resources to discover new ideas and new connections. Choose from a wide range of courses in the arts, humanities, history, social sciences, mathematics, and the sciences, and pursue a thesis on a topic of particular interest to you. All instructors are members of the Reed College faculty—Reed was voted #1 for “Professors Get High Marks” in the 2023 Princeton Review survey of current college students.

Roadmap to the MALS degree at Reed

The MALS degree is an alternative to the highly specialized course of study characteristic of most traditional graduate programs. Its broad scope allows students to choose from a wide range of courses, and its interdisciplinary nature encourages an enriched intellectual experience. Pursue personal and intellectual growth, and prepare for the possibility of additional advanced degrees.

Step One

Begin Your Journey

Begin by completing at least two concurrent or consecutive courses at Reed, including one of our liberal studies core courses. These core courses, like Chicago and the Urban Modern and Memory & Modernity in the Indian Ocean, are explicitly interdisciplinary and writing intensive. After successful completion of two courses, submit your application for admission to formal candidacy to the Committee on Graduate Studies.

Why Study in the MALS program at Reed College?

A Structured Yet Flexible Program

Choose from a wide range of courses not available in traditional graduate programs. The program is open to anyone with a bachelor’s or higher degree whose quest for knowledge and its integration into one’s personal and professional life is “unfinished business.” Put together your own course of study, selecting from graduate courses and a limited number of upper-level undergraduate classes.

Advance Professionally

Reed's master’s degree in liberal studies can open doors to new employment opportunities and career enhancement. A curator at the Portland Art Museum received a fellowship to continue her thesis research at the Huntington Library. Another student received an Oregon Heritage Grant to pursue her professional interest in the Southern Oregon Chautauqua Association. And high school teachers often find direct application of MALS course work in the classes they themselves are teaching.

Prepare for Further Studies

With Reed's graduate degree, you can explore further professional study or strengthen a future application to a PhD program. Recent graduates have gone on to pursue PhDs at Columbia University, Northwestern University, Case Western Reserve University, Boston University, and Oregon State University. Others have completed masters programs in library science, history, teaching, fine arts, and peace, and conflict studies.

A notebook lies open on a desk. Colored pens are next to the notebook, and a student's hands are folded on top of the notebook.

Over 55 Years of Programming for Lifelong Learners

Reed’s Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program, now over 55 years old, models the essence of a liberal arts education with its interdisciplinary approach and focus on the development of critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills. MALS expands Reed’s academic mission to an adult population of lifelong learners.

Learn About the History of MALS