Major Computer Science

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A Reed College student uses her laptop to work on an assignment

What You’ll Study in the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

Gain a solid foundation in computing fundamentals and be at the forefront of new technologies with Reed College’s computer science major. No matter your previous experience, our expert professors guide you through a curriculum covering key topics, from algorithms and data structures to hardware and software system design. Unlock your potential in this ever-growing field with the computer science department at Reed.

Roadmap to the BA in Computer Science at Reed

The computer science major is open to all students, and our curriculum covers essential and advanced concepts, including programming language systems and machine learning. Pursue original scholarship through research opportunities and your senior thesis.

Year One

Start with the Basics

Take Computer Science Fundamentals I, which introduces you to the world of programming and prepares you for core coursework in algorithms, theory of computation, and computing systems.

As a mathematical discipline, computer science includes many math classes in the curriculum so you can understand and create computer programs and system designs. Start with Calculus and Discrete Structures.

Your first year at Reed won’t be complete without taking Humanities 110. Gain an interdisciplinary view of human society past and present while developing crucial creative and critical thinking and writing skills.

Explore Humanities 110

Why Study Computer Science at Reed College?

Experienced Faculty in an Interdisciplinary Program

Our computer science professors are experts in their field, studying topics from machine learning and database privacy to memory management and electronic commerce. We also draw from faculty across Reed departments to contribute to our courses, including the following:

  • Professor Joel Franklin, physics: scientific and numeric computation
  • Professor Mark Bedau, philosophy: artificial life, philosophy of computation, text analysis
  • Professor Jon Rork, economics: economic game theory
  • Professor Aki Miyoshi, art: digital imaging, video, and interaction
  • Professor Jamie Pommersheim, mathematics: quantum computation
  • Professor Kjersten Whittington, sociology: social networks
  • Professor Anna Ritz, biology: bioinformatics and computational biology

This interdisciplinary approach creates a rich learning environment that enhances your understanding of computer science from multiple perspectives.

Tailored Courses for Advanced Backgrounds

If you already have a computer science or advanced mathematics background, we can adjust your course plan so you can take classes at your level. While there is no “automatic” way to skip our introductory computer science class, we are open to considering exemptions based on your prior learning.

In addition, a good score on the AP Calculus exam generally exempts you from our calculus requirement. We encourage you to connect with us to discuss your background so we can determine the best path forward for you.

Our Computer Science Courses

Computer Science BA course catalog

Careers for Computer Science Majors

While Reed’s computer science major is a recent offering, Reed graduates have built a long tradition of success as innovators in computer science, and many have gone on to work in the field of computer technology in the following roles:

  • Associate scientist, Gilead Sciences
  • Cloud support engineer, Amazon Web Services
  • Frontend engineering manager, Fiberplane
  • Software engineer, HMBradley
  • Software engineer, Windows
  • Software test engineer, Suvoda
  • Software engineer, Google
  • Technical account manager, Google

Learn About Career Paths and Possibilities

Graduate Schools for BA in Computer Science Students

With our emphasis on computer theory and research, Reed computer science alumni enroll in graduate programs at prestigious universities to continue their studies, including these:

  • Columbia University
  • Oregon Health and Science University
  • Portland State University
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Washington
Students in the STEM GEMS club table at the activities fair

Clubs and Conferences for Computer Science Majors

Discover our vibrant community for computer science students at Reed. Join our chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery or check out STEMGeMs, a student group for gender minorities in STEM fields. Participate in Reed’s annual MindStorm and collaborate with technology companies to find business solutions and make networking connections.

Learn About Our Groups and Activities

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