Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

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Yetter Speaks at Portland Literary Arts Event

On November 30, 2023, Lynette Yetter (MALS '21) facilitated a "conversation" on "timeless feminist wisdom" between Bolivian poet Adela Zamudio and feminist poet Adrienne Rich in collaboration with Sara Guest. Hosted by Portland's Literary Arts organization, Yetter's presentation of Zamudio's rich poetic stylings continued to build on work undertaken during her thesis, Domination and Justice in the Allegorical Story 'La reunión de ayer' by Adela Zamudio (1854–1928), Bolivia.

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Lemons and Howe present Warbody

On October 25, 2023, Alex Lemons (MALS '19) and Josh Howe (History & Environmental Studies) gave a fascinating collaborative talk on their upcoming book, Warbody: The Historical Anatomy of an Iraq War Sniper. The room was "packed to the rafters." Lemons and Howe are investigating relationships between American foreign policy and the distribution of heavy metals toxicity from the early 1950s through the second American war in Iraq. Keep an eye out for their book!

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Madsen and Yetter present at 2023 AGLSP Conference

In October 2023, MALS student Thor Madsen and alumna Lynette Yetter (MALS '21) gave thoughtful, engaging, and fascinating presentations at the annual conference of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, which met in San Diego, California. Madsen's presentation was a documentary film project "Between Two Worlds: Cosplayers as Mediums of Personhood and Social Connection," together with research in media, identity, and politics. The participant-informants in the film are everyday people who dress up as fictional characters at a Comic-Con conference. Through the embodiment of these characters, cosplayers serve as a medium for the benefit of a public, who are attracted to media of imagined worlds, and for corporate owners who commercialize these worlds. Yetter spoke about "Literary Keys to Transforming the Climate Crisis in the 1914 Allegorical Story 'Yesterday's Meeting' by Adela Zamudio (1854–1928), Bolivia."

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Callahan publishes research in Confluence

Susie Callahan's paper, "Wondering and Wandering Through Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies: Co-Creating Ourselves in a Literary Niche," has been published in Vol. 30, issue 1 (2024) of Confluence, the journal of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs. Read the article as [text] or [pdf]. Susie also will have a MALS seminar paper published in The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth (The Johns Hopkins University Press) this coming fall. Congratulations, Susie!

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