Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning: 2022

In October of 2021, President Audrey Bilger appointed an Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning to organize planning efforts for the college. Chaired by Hugh Porter, Vice President for College Relations and Planning, the committee consists of a deliberately small group reflecting a variety of backgrounds and perspectives while bringing a shared commitment to advancing the institution as a whole.

Reed College 2022 Strategic Plan

Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning

Audrey Bilger

Hugh Porter, Vice President for College Relations and Planning

Ana Quintana Bernal ’23, Student
Kara Cerveny, Associate Professor of Biology
Kate Duffly, Associate Professor of Theatre
Chris Koski, Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies
Christian Kroll, Associate Professor of Spanish and Humanities
Karnell McConnell-Black, Vice President for Student Life
Kathy Oleson, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Psychology
Angélica Osorno, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Peter Stockman ’77, Trustee

The committee's primary charge is to recommend to the governance bodies of the college a set of strategic priorities and initiatives to advance the college for the coming decades. The committee expects to present broad directional conclusions by June 2022. To meet this goal, the committee will learn from the comprehensive strategic planning work that took place 2013–15 and involve the many groups on campus actively engaged with campus constituents.
