Specializing in accelerator physics, classical electrodynamics, and physics outreach.
- 1978-1986: I received a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University, Stanford, CA. My thesis concerned the design and performance of the high current electron injector for the SLAC Linear Collider. The Ph.D. was awarded in March 1988.
- 1972-1976: I received a B.A. in Physics from Hampshire College, Amherst, MA. My thesis was in semiclassical laser theory.
- August 1988 - Present: Reed College, Portland, OR
Professor, Department of Physics. I have taught courses in electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and electronics at the upper-division level and courses on waves/math methods, "modern physics", and intermediate laboratory at the sophomore level. I have taught introductory physics courses (with laboratory components) for both science and non-science majors. I have completed major curriculum development projects for introductory laboratory-based courses for both science and non-science majors. - Summers, 1987 - 1991: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Stanford, CA
Visiting Scientist, Accelerator Theory and Special Projects Group. I collaborated with Professor R. H. Miller on beam dynamics studies for electron injectors including modeling of the SLAC Linear Collider injector to improve and stabilize its performance and the design of the electron injector for the High Gradient Test Accelerator. I also collaborated with Professor Miller and Dr. W. R. Nelson on the design of a high current positron source. - January 1987 - June 1988: University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering. I was a member of the particle beam research group. I taught electromagnetic theory at the upper-division undergraduate level. - June 1978 - December 1986: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA
Engineering Physicist. My work concerned the design, development, and operation of the high current electron injector for the SLAC Linear Collider. Specifically, I studied the problem of longitudinal bunching of a transrelativistic electron beam in the presence of high space charge forces and longitudinal wake fields. I developed computer simulations of the longitudinal charge forces and longitudinal wake fields. I developed computer simulations of the longitudinal beam dynamics and transformed the conceptual design into a detailed working design. Following construction, I measured the performance of the system, suggested and implemented improvements, and compared achieved performance to that predicted by the simulation. Prior to this work I helped design and construct the beam transport system for the PEGGY II polarized electron injector. - June 1976 - June 1977: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA
Associate Engineer. In conjunction with Dr. R. H. Miller, I designed a new focusing system for SLAC's position source. I also designed the beam transport system for the PEGGY I polarized electron injector. In addition, I worked in the injector electronics laboratory, building and testing electronics for injector systems.
I am a co-investigator on a 4-year, $500,000 Keck Foundation grant awarded to the Reed College Physics Department in Spring 2002. The grant has provided partial support for:
- The design and implementation of a new laboratory curriculum for Physics 100
- The design and installation of the new Physics 100 instructional laboratories to support the new curriculum
- Renovation of the Physics 101 laboratory space
- Creation of a new staff position to support Physics 100 laboratory instruction
- Modernization of the fundamental constants experiments in the Physics 200 laboratory
- Purchase of new computers and equipment to sustain a state-of-the-art Advanced Laboratory (Physics 331 & 332).
- 1999 - "Speed of Light Measurement for the Myriad", By M.B. James, R. B. Ormond and A.J. Stasch. American Journal of Physics 67 (681), 1999.
- 1992 - "Why the Speed of Light is Reduced in a Transparent Medium," by M. B. James and D. J. Griffiths. American Journal of Physics 60 (4), April 1992.
- 1991 - "A New Target Design and Capture Strategy for High-yield Positron Production in Electron Linear Colliders" by M. B. James, R. Donahue, R. H. Miller, W. R. Nelson. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 307 (1991).
- 1987 - "Production of High Intensity Electron Bunches for the SLAC Linear Collider," by Mary B. James. Ph.D. Thesis and SLAC Report 319.
- 1985 - "Real Time Bunch Length Measurements in the SLC Linac," by J. C. Sheppard, J. E. Clendenin, M. B. James, R. H. Miller, M. C. Ross, published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-32.